NHS Resources

When you have completed your studies and go on to work for a NHS Trust in England you will have access to the below resources. These are the resources that are provided nationally. Your Trust may have additional resources that will be available to you.

NHS OpenAthens

Whilst a NHS staff member you are entitled to a NHS OpenAthens account. You can self-register for an account. This will enable access to journal articles, eBooks and online resources.

Knowledge and Library Hub

The NHS Knowledge and Library Hub connects health care staff and learners to high quality, NHS-funded, knowledge and evidence resources in one place, using a single search. There is a video available on how you can use the Hub. Below are some of the resources that will be available to you. There are links on the Hub to these:

BMJ Best Practice

BMJ Best Practice takes you quickly and accurately to the latest evidence-based information, whenever and wherever you need it. Step by step guidance on diagnosis, prognosis, treatment and prevention is updated regularly using robust evidence based methodology and expert opinion. There is a video on searching and browsing BMJ Best Practice. More tutorial videos can be found here BMJ Best Practice for NHS staff and learners in England.

British National Formulary (BNF)

BNF provides key information on the selection, prescribing, dispensing and administration of medicines.

British National Formulary for Children (BNFC)

BNFC provides key information on the selection, prescribing, dispensing and administration of medicines used for children.

Healthcare Databases

Information on the databases and help on how to search them is available on the Hub. There is also Trip - a smart, fast tool to find high quality clinical research evidence.

The Maudsley Prescribing Guidelines in Psychiatry

The Maudsley Prescribing Guidelines in Psychiatry is the essential evidence-based handbook on the safe and effective prescribing of psychotropic agents.

NICE Guidance

These are evidence-based recommendations developed by independent committees, including professionals and lay members, and consulted on by stakeholders.

Royal Marsden Manual

The Royal Marsden Hospital Manual of Clinical and Cancer Nursing Procedures is a tool to enable nurses to access the latest research relevant to practice quickly and easily from a trustworthy source.

eLearning for Healthcare (elfh)

There are the following eLearning courses available for NHS staff:

Critically Appraising the Evidence Base

The critical appraisal programme has been designed to enable the healthcare workforce (clinical and non-clinical) to build confidence in the critical appraisal process when applying and evaluating research.

Literature Searching

These literature searching modules are designed to help the healthcare workforce (clinical and non-clinical) build confidence to search published literature for articles and evidence relevant to their work, study and research. The modules are short (each taking no more than 20 minutes to complete) and may be ‘dipped into’ for reference, or completed to obtain a certificate.

Health Literacy

Health literacy is about people having enough knowledge, understanding, skills and confidence to use health information, to be active partners in their care, and to navigate health and social care systems. Therefore, to access, assess and apply health information, people need to be health literate. This health literacy programme helps people working in health and social care to become aware of health literacy and of the techniques that can help to increase understanding.

Health Libraries Midlands (HeLM )

Most NHS Trusts have a library service and if you work in the Midlands you may be able to access the HeLM catalogue. HeLM’s introductory video provides more information on how to use the catalogue.

Health Library and Information Services Directory (HLISD)

To find information on your nearest NHS Library Service then please use HLISD. This is a comprehensive directory of health libraries and information services across the United Kingdom.