Search Request

Please note that we can not undertake a literature search that is going solely towards coursework or assignments, if the search is part of your learning objectives, or will be assessed as your work.

If you are a staff member undertaking an academic course and you need support with searching for literature, then please contact for advice and guidance. We also offer training to enable you to locate and evaluate information more effectively.

{{errors.first('rs-be7e-ca3e-25a8', 'rs-be7e-72b9-c86e')}}
{{errors.first('rs-be7e-ca3e-d031', 'rs-be7e-72b9-c86e')}}
{{errors.first('rs-be7e-ca3e-c8d9', 'rs-be7e-72b9-c86e')}}
{{errors.first('rs-be7e-ca3e-373e', 'rs-be7e-72b9-c86e')}}
{{errors.first('rs-be7e-ca3e-606d', 'rs-be7e-72b9-c86e')}}
{{errors.first('rs-be7e-ca3e-f492', 'rs-be7e-72b9-c86e')}}
{{errors.first('rs-be7e-ca3e-46d1', 'rs-be7e-72b9-c86e')}}
{{errors.first('rs-be7e-ca3e-1664', 'rs-be7e-72b9-c86e')}}
{{errors.first('rs-be7e-ca3e-ef6d', 'rs-be7e-72b9-c86e')}}
{{errors.first('rs-be7e-ca3e-b987', 'rs-be7e-72b9-c86e')}}
{{errors.first('rs-be7e-ca3e-ea02', 'rs-be7e-72b9-c86e')}}
{{errors.first('rs-be7e-ca3e-0d77', 'rs-be7e-72b9-c86e')}}

Thank you - your search request has been sent.

The data from this form will be used only for the administration of services provided by the Library and Knowledge Services. By completing this form you agree to this data being held in accordance with the Data Protection Act (DPA) 2018 / UK General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) for use in any relevant local library systems.